You may remember Lochie from last winter, when he skied at Cardrona Alpine Resort for 40 days to celebrate Cardrona’s 40th Birthday, and to raise funds for the Cancer Society of New Zealand. He completed the challenge and raised over $10,000.
Lochie had a very special reason for this challenge.
When he was four, his mother was diagnosed with a rare cancer, and the Cancer Society were there to support her.
This year Lochie is 7 years old, and he has created an even bigger challenge. He intends to ski all the country’s ski fields, from south to north while raising money for the Cancer Society.
He will also highlight that we have some wonderful ski fields in this country, and we need to visit them, and promote them to the world.
Lochie is all about looking after the environment, so he has successfully asked Peter Aelein, the founder of Mountainflow Eco-Wax to come on board and show that there are plant-based wax alternatives.
This is a big venture, requiring a team of supporters, including the Cancer Society of NZ, Shaun Vining, brother of Blair Vining, who died of bowel cancer almost two years ago, and Jeff Aldridge, freelance cameraman.
All the ski fields are being asked to come on board for Lochie’s challenge, and there will be daily YouTube videos promoting the ski fields along the way.
Lochie wants to show New Zealand that, even with all the day-to-day madness we go through, we can take the time to do something for others and show that the kiwi spirit is alive and well.
Dad Luke Win says, “We will be doing it the good old-fashioned kiwi way and camping out in our caravan.
We will set up in each base town to then cover each ski field as we head north.”
Lochie would be grateful for any help along the way for this massive challenge, at the end of which he will be a guest speaker at the black-tie Naylor Love & Cancer Society annual fundraising event in Queenstown on Saturday, 25 September.
Here is a link to his story: