Delta Level 2

We’ve made it through two levels and this week we move into a Delta Level 2 giving us more freedom, more choices and a feeling of getting back to normal.

There are some changes from the level 2 we experienced last year including a new name, mandatory scanning and recording of visits, increased mask wearing and stricter rules around gatherings.

Group gatherings are restricted to 50 people indoors while 100 are allowed in outdoor venues.

Funerals, weddings, conferences, fundraising events, restaurants, and bars will all be affected.

Previously Level 2 required a 1 metre distance rule, this time around we will need to stay 2 metres apart.

Unlike Auckland however, we are able to gather in these small clusters allowing us more opportunity to celebrate, mourn, come together and get back to work.

Masks are the preferred fashion accessory of the season, and the recommendation is that we use them as often as possible. Students will be encouraged to wear masks to school, while those working in sectors which require contact with customers and suppliers will need to wear a mask.

When visiting shopping malls, most public venues, restaurants and cafes, masks are mandatory, although you can remove your mask to eat and drink.

Remember your mask needs three layers of fabric to be effective and ideally should be changed after each wear.

If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to download the Covid-19 app and ensure your recording visits and those you are in contact with.

Scanning in is the best way to contact trace if the time comes.

We are able to travel between regions as long as we adhere to the Delta level 2 rules.

Changes mean we are again able to connect with family and friends, get back to what’s familiar, support our local businesses as they struggle with level changes and do our best to keep ourselves and others safe.

While we enjoy these new freedoms, we will miss our lockdown family members and friends restricted by level 4 in the Auckland region.

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