Our return to Alert Level 2 means COHSL is working towards bringing services back to as near normal as possible.
This is being done in a new environment of Level 2 Delta and so there are a few differences that we would ask of the people attending Dunstan Hospital.
• Mask wearing remains mandatory when entering our building or in an indoor space. This continues to apply to staff, visitors and patients;
• In our facility we need to maintain the 2 metre distancing rule wherever practical;
• Please can you limit the number of support people attending the hospital to one per patient when attending services like outpatients if at all possible. This helps us maintain the physical distancing requirements;
• Vincent Ward visitors: remains one visitor per patient at a time for social distancing purposes. As our patients are our most vulnerable people we ask you have patience with staff who are committed to keeping your whanau and their patients safe;
• Front-door screening will continue but is being adapted to suit Level 2 restrictions.
Please continue to seek updates from Covid19.govt.nz
We all thank you for your continued understanding and support.
Kathryn de Luc.
Chief Executive