The first week back for Term 4 was a hectic one for Cromwell Primary School, with literacy being the focus, and the fun.
The finale on Friday morning brought a visual treat of familiar characters leaping from the page to life in the Book Character Parade. Principal Wendy Brooks was just one of several ‘Where’s Wally’ look-alikes moving through the crowds. Students made a colourful sight, many in their home-made outfits.
Dragons were popular, as were characters from the Hunger Games and various knights, warriors and superheroes and of course a few princesses. Mary Poppins popped in for the celebrations, too. All the teachers and support staff were amazing in their creative costumes.
The parade assembly provided a forum for the announcement of the winning story competition, which attracted over 200 entries.
Many more events occurred throughout the week.
There were mystery readers popping up in classrooms, magical theme activities, make-your-own-bookmark sessions and a workshop on illustration skills.
Invited guests included Craig Smith, author of “The Wonky Donkey” and Arrowtown author Wendy Clarke.
One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is the ability to read and to form a love of the written word. It is such a pleasure to see them excited about books.
Winners were:
Xanthe Howzen – New Entrant
Florence Wilden – Year 1
Emily Kelly – Year 2
Matai Alexander – Year 3
Te Raki Bain-Carpenter Year 4
Isabella Crossan – Year 5
Annabelle Nichol – Year 6