Sports Fun program
Year 7 & 8 students enjoy learning different sporting skills as part of the Sports Fun Holiday Program. Photo Supplied

Kids love sports, it keeps them fit and healthy, is loads of fun and helps teach life-long skills such as teamwork, leadership and resilience.

A new Sports Fun Holiday Program is paving the way for year 7 and 8 Cromwell students these holidays, giving kids a chance to get loud, have a go at different sports and develop new skills.

Six two-hour sessions over two weeks ignites passion and fun, allowing kids to create friendships outside of school and getting kids to put down devices and head outside for some fitness.

Dusty and David Robertson have created the program using David’s experience as a personal trainer and school sports co-ordinator and Dusty’s as an early childhood educator to drive students to become stronger and enjoy their term break in a different way.

Sports Fun program

“It’s a taste of sport, it gives kids confidence and an opportunity to have a go at a sport they may not have considered.

We are grateful to volunteers who come along and help us show these kids what each sport is about. Each volunteer is committed to their own sport and this makes all the difference,” Dustin explains.

The team at Sports Fun are looking at ways to encourage more kids to have a go in this dynamic course and are wanting to invite local business to support a spot in the next term break program, so more kids can have a go and get involved.

“We are hearing of kids wanting to be a part of the course, but it has been a hard year for many, there’s kids out there wanting to take part, but their parents and caregivers are just unable to make it happen financially.

We welcome interest from local businesses who would be interested in helping, we see the program as a really important tool to help build confidence and we know there would be some kids who would love the opportunity to come on-board.

Sienna Black is part of the inaugural program and believes the course has helped her to decide which sports she really loves.

“I really like volleyball, I have never played before, but am now thinking I may like to join a team. It’s been a great way to spend the school holidays, better than sitting around doing nothing.

I’ve learned heaps and have been able to try lots of different sports such as touch rugby, indoor hockey and basketball. I’m pleased I signed up, I wasn’t keen for a start, but have really enjoyed it,” she says.

David and Dusty invite you to get in touch if you are able to sponsor a spot, or would like to get your child involved in next term breaks program which they are opening up to a wider age group, Contact David on 022 395 1954 or Dusty on 027 882 8881


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