The Board of Trustees of Cromwell College, at a special board meeting held in early December, made the decision that, given the huge uncertainty with Covid spreads over the next 4-6 months, the Apartments Programme, started in 1995, would be suspended for 2022.
The meeting followed a risk assessment review undertaken by the Senior Management and Apartments staff, which raised significant concerns around the ability of the facility to manage if either a student or one of the managers contracted Covid.
Principal Mason Stretch says,
“It is the MOE expectation that a boarding student who contracts the virus will be sent home. This is not practical for our Apartments with all students from the North Island.
All students are close contacts and so would be locked down in the Apartments for some period while testing and isolating. This would be very challenging for the managers using PPE and supporting student wellbeing as well as their own.”
Several families of prospective students asked if there were boarding options available in private homes in Cromwell as their children are still very keen to come here.
The college is investigating this option and would therefore like to hear from anyone who is able and keen to offer private boarding to the students.
They are Year 12 to 13 students with a keen interest in outdoor pursuits.
Mason says, “Myself and the Board are genuinely concerned for the wellbeing of students and our staff having to manage students or staff with Covid isolating in our Apartments.
The health and safety requirements are stringent and a huge responsibility for us and our staff.”