Bannockburn Domain entrance Photo supplied

The Cromwell Community Board is encouraging the community to help shape a plan for Bannockburn’s only Council reserve.

The Draft Bannockburn Domain Reserve Management Plan 2022 opens for a two-month consultation period from Thursday 26 May. The purpose of the plan is to guide Council operations and provide provisions for things to happen on the domain in the future.

Parks Officer – Planning and Strategy Dr Nikki Aaron said it was the first time the plan had been renewed since 2000.

“A lot has changed in Bannockburn during this time, and we are keen to hear what the community would like to see for the future of the Bannockburn Domain.”

The draft plan has been prepared in consultation with key current domain users and has designated the camping ground as the primary use of the domain.

“We are interested in understanding if this is still how the wider community wants to see the domain used,” Dr Aaron said.  “What do people think about the other features of the domain – the sports ground, bowling club, playground and tennis courts? What do people cherish about the space now and envisage for how it might be used in the future?”

A drop-in session will be held at the Bannockburn Bowling Club on Tuesday 14 June from 4-6pm. Everyone with an interest in the future of the Bannockburn Domain is invited to get along to discuss your thoughts for its future with Council parks and community engagement staff and elected members.  Chat to the team over a cuppa and a biscuit, and reminisce about the area’s history by checking out a slideshow of Bannockburn photos from the Ron Murray Photographic Collection.

To read the the draft plan and give your feedback head to Submissions close at 12 noon on Monday 25 July.

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