
With NCEA looming it’s time for our senior students to start thinking about the best way to use their study time to achieve the very best results. Here are five super tips to make sure every study period is utilised to its most potential.

  1. Create mind maps: Make a big circle in the middle of the page and get your mind moving. Add to your circle by breaking down to different headings, parts or topics and then write important details under each.
  2. Study at the optimal times of the day for you: Whether you’re a morning person or night owl, choosing to study when you’re most alert can make all the difference.
  3. Repetition: The brain works better with repetition. It learns by revising, so going over and over the information is a sure way to get stuff to stick.
  4. Jog your memory with flash cards: Flash cards can help you retain vital information needed during exam times. You can try using which has tonnes of study sets for you to try.
  5. Practise tests: Visit, print out practise tests for your upcoming exams to get you in the swing of what’s coming.
  6. Remember the ‘5 P’s’: Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.


Get organised and print off your exam timetable from for 2021. Highlight your exams and make sure you’re ready on the day.

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